Fun Fit Action M1, M2 & P1 Wednesday 16:00

Fun Fit Action M1, M2 & P1 Wednesday 16:00

Activity Description

Stamina, strength, speed, agility and coordination are important motor skills that not only have a positive impact on children's health, but also helps them to cope better with everyday challenges. In addition, physical performance has a positive effect on self-confidence and well-being. In order to improve children's motor skills in the long term, it takes more than individual exercises that target only certain areas.

There is a very close connection between the individual motor skills. Therefore, we provide an extensive training program with a large amount of variation. A child who improves its mobility often improves in coordination and it's also known that stamina training has positive effects on sprinting ability. Especially, with small athletic individuals, it is important they improve their motor skills in a playful and fun way.

How can you improve children's motor skills?

FUN FIT ACTION offers an excellent opportunity to combine individual skills whilst improving them in a playful way. The more variety the individual exercises show, the higher the positive effects of the child’s motor skills. Participating in a group sport also increases the fun factor, encouragement and motivation of others often make the hard efforts forgotten.

In addition to these target areas, it is important to make use of further motor skills, so they can be improved effectively and with joy.

Introducing the Teacher

This course is run by Michael Wehner. Michael has enjoyed teaching courses and being a part of EuroKids camps since last year. He enjoys practicing martial arts and all forms of sports.


Activity Details

Day Wednesday
Time 16:00  to  17:00
Topic Sports
Grade P1
Spoken Language English, German
Modular Building
Praunheimer Weg 126, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Modular Building
Room Modular Building Sports Room 002
Teacher Michael Wehner
Available Places 8
Maximum Participants 16
Minimum Participants 13
Cost € 39.00 Per Workshop
Please login to register for this activity
€ 39.00 8